Minden, Louisiana
Minden high school
230,000 SF
Renewed Minden High School's campus is designed for a 1,000 student population and includes 157,000 square feet of new construction and approximately 73,000 square feet of renovations. Located in the historic heart of Minden, the 230,000 square foot facility is a public investment that is positively impacting revitalization of the neighborhood adjacent to downtown. SBB emphasis on user and community input through programming and concept design resulted in space utilization efficiencies, community uses, and incorporation of sustainable design principles. Focus on teaching innovations, flexibility, and allowing for future technology changes are important features. Functional areas for shops and vocational education are located and designed to better integrate with other high school curricula in recognition of the value of these programs in hands-on and project-based learning. Administration and student services are centrally located in the campus to be more accessible to students. The building design includes flexible social gathering spaces that encourage interaction and collaboration. The project classifies a “green building”. Reuse of the existing campus, building envelope design including day-lighting, HVAC systems, new lighting technologies including day-light harvesting, integrated controls and commissioning are part of the sustainable design strategies for energy efficiency and conservation for Minden High School.
The firm received the ASID South Central Chapter 2009 Excellence in Design Award for Contract / Institutional - Silver Award